Why Your Website or Article not Rank in Google Search

 Your website or article is not getting indexed or ranked in Google search. No more thoughts and no more thoughts, because today I am going to discuss with you. I will discuss about the reasons why the article is not ranked in Google search.

If you want to index + rank your blog, website or article in google search. Then read our article carefully till the end.

Nowadays, many people are interested in blogging. And the reason for the interest in blogging is that it is very easy to earn from blogging.

Why Your Website or Article not Rank in Google Search

However, people are now choosing blogging as a professional business or career. So there is a lot of competition in blogging. Because that's normal. There will be competition on the matter through which money can be easily earned.

If we do blogging, it is possible to get a lot of visitors from Google search engine. And if you want to get more visitors from Google. Then you have to do a lot of competitive work.

And if you publish objectionable information on any blog or website while blogging. If Google realizes that, your site's articles will never be indexed and ranked in Google.

So let's find out why the website or article is not ranking in Google search.                            

Why is the new website or blog not being ranked in Google search?

If your website or blog is new then Google bot takes some time to crawl that new site.

It takes about a month for a new website or blog to rank in Google search. So if you submit your blog website to google again. Then the complete site will take some time to index and rank in Google.

If you go through google search and search by typing “site:jit.com.bd like this. Then you can see whether your website or article has been ranked.

Enter your site name and search on Google. Then you can see which articles are ranked on your site.

If your website or article is indexed then you can see the full page of the website on Google search page.

Besides, if your site's page or article is not indexed in Google, then no site or article will be shown in Google search results.

You can know through the said process whether your website or article has been ranked in Google search or not.

Even after the article pages of your website are indexed, it will not be easy to get rank in Google search in the new condition.

Because when you start your website or blog new. Then the website domain authority will be less.

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So the faster your domain grows, the faster your new website's articles will be indexed and ranked in Google search.

So as a new blogger, for a new website or blog article to rank in Google search, you need to be patient for 2-3 months to see the website or article rank in Google search.

If you want to get rank fast, you should write articles regularly on the website. This will increase your domain authority and your site will take less time to index and rank.

Not ranking as a result of using high competition keywords/niches?

As we mentioned earlier in blogging, there is a lot of competition. Nowadays thousands of blog posts on the same topic are published from different websites or blogs every day.

As a result, if your writing quality is bad, then your articles will not be indexed in Google.

Now if you create a blog on such a topic. Or write articles targeting such keywords. There are thousands of blogs or websites created on all those topics or keywords.

However, for you to rank on the first page of Google search for that niche/keyword you have to deal with many competing sites, publishing better quality articles than them.

Therefore, if the article quality, SEO and domain authority are higher than your competing websites or blogs, you can rank the website or article in Google search.

But, if you write articles with high competition keywords then it takes a lot of effort to rank the website. For example-

  • More and more sites should be backlink.
  • On page SEO should be done properly.
  • Off page SEO should be done properly.
  • More links should be shared on social media.

So when you write an article on a topic, you must write the article well, research. Then you can rank your articles quickly in Google search.

Not ranking due to lack of quality articles?

If you write articles on blogs or websites. If it is, the quality is not done. Then there will be problem for your ranking.

Quality articles for a website or blog are - Articles should be written in such a way. Through which your visitors will get answers to all their questions by reading the article.

I have researched online and found that there are many bloggers nowadays. Those who do not write articles clearly on their website or blog.

Means there are many people who, instead of typing blogs or websites by hand, do voice typing using micro phones. In this case, many spelling mistakes are made while writing, for example, while writing visitor, it becomes digital.

Now your question may be that those who can't type by hand, will they stop blogging. No guys, if you want to do voyage typing. But when you write an article on the subject, read every line of the article carefully. If there are any wrong spelling/words then correct them.

Besides, many other mistakes are made while writing articles, for example, there are many bloggers who think that writing and publishing an article of 300-500 words on a blog or website is a big mistake.

Writing a 300-500 word article on a website is much less. There is no good information. Because of which Visit does not like articles. And because of this your article is not ranking in Google search.

If you want your website or article to rank quickly in Google search. So try to write quality articles of 1000 – 1500 words on your site. And add the necessary information. Then you can quickly rank your article in Google search.

Website page loading speed is not being ranked?

If your website's loading speed is high, Google will stop ranking your site.

Because Google thinks, visitors can't enter your site. No information can be properly known. Means the site cannot be accessed due to high site loading speed.

If your site is slow, then test it. There are many free tools online. Using that, you can test website page loading speed.

If the site shows after 1 minute after a visitor enters your website then the visitor will not enter your site. So increase your site speed.

If the website loading speed is 5 seconds to 10 seconds then it is quite good. If your website has a slow loading speed, the article will index faster and rank faster.

The website is not ranking because it is not mobile friendly?

We know that nowadays 80% people use their smart phones to access the internet. And so when you create a blog or website, if you don't make it mobile friendly. Then your website will not rank in Google search.

Because as we said earlier, most of the people use internet through mobile. So you must set up Moil Friendly while building the website.

If you can create a website according to the rules. Then you can quickly rank your article in Google search. Read more NID CARD BD INFORMATIONAL WEB


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